Glutathione acts as a universal scavenger of free radicals at the expense of the formation of the glutathionyl radicals (GS ⅐ ). Here we demonstrated that GS ⅐ radicals specifically interact with a reporter molecule, paramagnetic and non-fluorescent 4-((9-acridinecarbonyl)-amino)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (Ac-Tempo), and convert it into a non-paramagnetic fluorescent product, identified as 4-((9-acridinecarbonyl)amino)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (Ac-piperidine). Horseradish peroxidase-, myeloperoxidase-, and cyclooxygenasecatalyzed oxidation of phenol in the presence of H 2 O 2 and GSH caused the generation of phenoxyl radicals and GS ⅐ radicals, of which only the latter reacted with Ac-Tempo. Oxidation of several other phenolic compounds (e.g. etoposide and tyrosine) was accompanied by the formation of GS ⅐ radicals along with a characteristic fluorescence response from Ac-Tempo. In myeloperoxidase-rich HL-60 cells treated with H 2 O 2 and phenol, fluorescence microscopic imaging of Ac-Tempo revealed the production of GS ⅐ radicals. A thiol-blocking reagent, N-ethylmaleimide, as well as myeloperoxidase inhibitors (succinyl acetone and azide), blocked formation of fluorescent acridine-piperidine. H 2 O 2 /phenolinduced peroxidation of major classes of phospholipids in HL-60 cells was completely inhibited by Ac-Tempo, indicating that GS ⅐ radicals were responsible for phospholipid peroxidation. Thus, GSH, commonly viewed as a universal free radical scavenger and major intracellular antioxidant, acts as a pro-oxidant during myeloperoxidase-catalyzed metabolism of phenol in HL-60 cells.Thiols are said to fulfill important antioxidant functions in cells and biological fluids. In particular, glutathione, the most abundant intracellular low molecular weight thiol, regulates the content of H 2 O 2 and organic (lipid) hydroperoxides via glutathione peroxidase-catalyzed reactions. GSH is also commonly presumed to act as a universal free radical sink toward a wide variety of different types of free radicals (1-5). Although scavenging of reactive radicals by GSH is believed to be an important antioxidant function of the latter, it may render effective protection only if the sulfur-centered glutathionyl radicals (GS ⅐ ) 1 formed in the scavenging reactions do not further propagate free radical generation. On the contrary, pro-oxidant activity of GSH should be expected if GS ⅐ radicals are reactive enough to interact with and cause damage to vital intracellular molecules.In fact, experiments in model systems indicate that GS ⅐ radicals can abstract hydrogen atoms from carbohydrates such as 2-deoxy-D-ribose and initiate irreversible DNA damage (6). Thiyl radicals are also capable of hydrogen abstraction from ␣-amino C-H bonds of amino acids with the consequent formation of carbon-centered radicals (7). However, reactions of thiyl radicals with carbohydrates and amino acids are reversible; moreover, carbon-centered radicals of carbohydrates and amino acids are stronger oxidants than thiyl radicals, suggesting tha...