Citation analysis of all the journal articles published in the journal of Library and Information Science (JOLIS) from 2004-2009 is carried out. 72 articles were published in the journal during five (5) years covered. Highest number of (14) articles were published in 2007 and 2008.A total of 998 references were generated by the journals, indicating that 13.7 average citation per articles. The result shows that journals were the most cited materials as it accounted for 37.14% of the total citations, followed by books with 33.14%. The individual articles that had the highest citation had 44 references and was published in 2008. The findings further show that 62 library and information science (LIS) journals cited produced 172 citations. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information science led the ten (10) most cited library and information science journals (LIS) with 40 citations in the journal. 15(24.19%) of the (LIS) journals were published in Nigeria, 45(72.58%) were from outside African continent, while only 2 (3.22%) other journals were from Africa. The majority (38.2%) of materials cited was published in 1995 and beyond, authorship pattern shows that (79.85%) of the materials cited was written by single authors while only 8.8% of the total citations were Internet resources.