Roberta Sinclair. They have provided me with academic and professional guidance and taught me a great deal about pushing the boundaries of theory and methodology and about academia in general. I thank them for their enduring mentorship on this journey. Thank you to Dr. James Sheptycki and Dr. Diana Young for an enjoyable and engaging defense and their thoughtful insights. Thank you to Dr. Neil Gerlach for his professionalism in chairing the defense. Many thanks to the Edmonton Police Service and the police officers who participated in my research. I appreciate the time you took to speak with me, share resources with me, provide me with suggestions for further contacts, and identify further research opportunities. You helped me to better understand the importance of researching risk classification practices in policework. No one has been more important to me in the pursuit of this project than my family. I am forever indebted to my sister, Fiona, who, by her graceful, generous, and consistent example, has shown me what a good scholarly researcher (and person) should be. She has taught and shared with me more than I could ever give her credit for here. I am grateful to Andrew who provided unwavering patience and support. And most importantly, I would like to thank my incredible mom, whose boundless love, patience, wisdom, humour, and silent guidance are with me in all that I pursue.