On 6 September 2009 (GMT 21:49) a moderate Mw5.4 earthquake sequence burst at the eastern border of Albania with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Th e main shock was located ~6 km north of the epicentre of the 30 November 1967 Mw6.2 Dibra (or Debar) earthquake, which caused loss of life and considerable damage to buildings. We use broad band waveforms recorded by the Hellenic Unifi ed Seismic Network (HUSN), which receives real-time waveforms from the neighbouring networks, to compute focal mechanisms, obtain the slip model and derive the ShakeMap of the mainshock. Th e focal mechanisms of 18 of the stronger events of the sequence, obtained through time-domain moment tensor inversion, indicate that deformation is taken up by NNE−SSW-trending normal faults, in agreement with the ~E−W extension previously identifi ed within the Albanian orogen. Our results show that the 2009 main shock ruptured a roughly 9 km normal fault at a depth of 6 km, which strikes at 194° and dips west at ~45°. Th e slip of the main shock was confi ned to a single patch of ~9 km × 6 km, the average slip was 5 cm and the peak slip was 18 cm. Th e slip model was incorporated in a forward modelling scheme to simulate the ground motion distribution in the near fi eld. Th e ShakeMap thus obtained, based on the distribution of Peak Ground Velocity at phantom stations, outlines the mesoseismal area within the Dibra and Bulqiza districts in Albania, in accordance with macroseismic observations. Th e region aff ected by the 2009 sequence, together with the seismogenic region of the 1967 Dibra event, form a roughly NNE−SSW-trending structure which is an active seismotectonic zone in eastern Albania constituting a threat for nearby urban areas.