Abstract. Seeking a global empirical relationship between compressional wave velocity and porosity for siliciclastic sediments, we have brought together an extensive suite of both new and published log-and core-based data. We undertook a detailed statistical analysis of Ocean Drilling Program data from Amazon Fan to examine variables affecting compressional velocity in shallow, unconsolidated sediments. We identify three dominant variables (porosity, shale fraction, and consolidation history) and present two empirically determined boundary curves (one for normally consolidated sediments and a second for highly consolidated environments (e.g., accretionary prisms)). These two empirical relationships predict the compressional velocity of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks with water-filled pores as a function of porosity and clay content for the full range of observed porosities. Velocities of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks decrease rapidly with both increasing porosity and increasing clay content. At fractional porosities higher than about 0.4, fluid dominates the elastic properties, and velocity exhibits a subtle dependence on porosity. Remarkably, the Amazon Fan data show that clay content has no direct influence on velocity at high porosities. Both clay content and sorting do indirectly affect velocity, through their control of porosity. Burial affects velocity not only by compaction-related porosity decrease but also by pressure-induced increase of intergrain coupling. Because of the sensitivity of velocity to consolidation history, particularly at intermediate fractional porosities of about 0.30-0.40, no single velocity-porosity relationship can apply to all high-porosity sediments. The two proposed relationships fit the majority of published and new data. They are applicable, however, only for normally pressured, in situ conditions and water-filled pores.