Introduction:Pyriform sinus fistula is a rare cervical branchial anomaly derived from the third and fourth branchial arch. Pyriform sinus fistula should be considered in children presenting enlarged neck mass, fistula, abscess, thyroid infection and/or dysphonia. Objective: We here report 4 cases treated in Hospital Clí-nico Universidad de Chile and review of the current literature on pyriform sinus fistula. Discussion: When clinical presentation is compatible with pyriform sinus fistula, endoscopic and imaging techniques are required. Surgical outcomes are better, although endoscopic therapies and combination of both surgery and endoscopy have also reported good outcomes. Conclusion: Diagnosis is made based on signs and symptoms and a high index of clinical suspicion. Open surgery is gold standard, however in pediatric population endoscopic resolution should be considered to reduce the high morbidity of traditional surgery.