Introduction:The purpose of obturation of the prepared root canal space is to prevent coronal leakage and bacterial contamination and to seal the apex from the periapical tissue fluids. Cold lateral technique has been considered to be a gold standard, however considering its limitations various thermoplasticized gutta-percha techniques have been recommended. This study compares radiographic quality of obturation in molar teeth, obturated with cold lateral condensation and thermoplasticized injectable gutta-percha technique (Obtura II system).Materials and Methods:Sixty patients were equally divided into two groups, Group A obturated with Cold lateral condensation technique and group B with Obtura II. Periapical radiographs were obtained immediately after the obturation using paralleling device method. The radiographs were examined by an observer, who was blinded to the group allocation. Data was compared using χ2 (Chi square) test and Independent sample t test was used to compare the mean ages.Results:Both groups were comparable in all respects such as tooth type, preoperative diagnosis and preoperative pain (P>0.05); however, more pre-operative radiolucency cases were allocated to Obtura II (P<0.05). There was no difference between the two groups, both in terms of postoperative voids as well as apical termination of the obturation (P>0.05).Conclusion:Within the limitations of the study, it was found that statistically there was no significant difference between cold lateral and obtura II technique, in terms of post obturation voids and apical termination, as observed in radiographs.