IntroductionMares with infertility problems commonly encounter 3 problems: accumulation of intrauterine fluid during estrus, infection and/or chronic inflammation for a long period of time, and estrous cycle disorders (1). Ovarian activity disorders that may cause infertility should be evaluated, and pathological changes in the reproductive organs, such as intrauterine fluid accumulation, can be detected during an ultrasonographic examination (2). Endometritis, which is one of the major causes of infertility in mares, is caused by inadequate bacterial inhibition, spermatozoa removal from the uterus, and inflammatory exudates after breeding (3). Although clinical endometritis is diagnosed easily, uterine culture, cytology, and endometrial biopsy are important tools along with ultrasonography examination that enable diagnosis of subclinical cases of endometritis (3). Previous studies have suggested that only uterine cytology or bacteriology (4) or a combination of both (4,5) can be used to determine uterus inflammation. In addition, various studies have also shown that uterine cytology and bacteria collected at the beginning of the season (before breeding) might affect the success rate of pregnancy and foaling (4,6). Degenerative changes, which are determined by endometrial biopsy, are also associated with the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis in mares as well as treatment success (3).According to 2013 Turkish Statistical Institute (7) data, of 136,000 horses in Turkey, approximately 16,000 mares, aged ≥3 years, are used as broods. In the past, Arabians and thoroughbreds, in particular, were bred for use as workhorses, whereas presently they are used as racehorses in Turkey (8). Limited data are available on the reproductive performance of Arabian horses (9). The aim of this study is to investigate the causes of infertility in mares that were unable to conceive in the current and previous season on a farm that housed purebred Arabian horses. This study also aims to evaluate the treatment outcomes performed for the suspected etiology.
Materials and methods
AnimalsThe Committee for Research and Animal Experiments of Afyon Kocatepe University approved the experimental protocol (registration number: 02-11). This study was