Constant f 7 0~ ventilation (CF V ) inninfains iioririal gas ex-change in apneic dogs rind has potential clinical application during thoracic surgery or pulmonary edeina. We compared CFV and interniittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in five healthy, anesthetized, (fentanyl, diazepam, and nitrous oxide) and paralyzed patients undergoing nonthoracic operations. Coiistnrit f7ow ventilation was delivered at a total flow of 0.9-1.6 L-kg 'min ~ I (riitrous oxide-oxygen o f 2 : l i into two tubes of 2.5-3.5 tmn inner dianieter n ftnched to each side of an 8-9 mm inner diameter orotraciieal tube (OTT). Under brochoscopic p i d a n c e , the CFV-OTT iuas adzlanced to positioii each ueiitilntiri