Toxocarosis is a widespread geohelminthiasis in the world. In the body of children, the eggs of the parasite usually fall with the soil. Larvae enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and are carried by blood to various organs, where they cause inflammation and necrosis. The diseaseis characterized by non-specific clinical manifestations, as a result of which the diagnosis is not always timely. In children, toxocarosis often occurs againstthe background of various diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.The article presents a case of a combined course of gastric ulcer and visceral toxocarosis in a child of 2 years and 4 months. Taking into account the uncharacteristic disease for this age and the absence of risk factors for the development of stomach ulcers in this patient, it is suggested that toxocarosis may cause the development of stomach ulcers in children.