Biliary cysts are congenital cystic dilatations of the extrahepatic and/or intrahepatic biliary tree. Intrahepatic cysts constitute less than 1% of the biliary cysts. Complications of these cysts include cholangitis, livercirrhosis, liver abscess andcholangiocarcinoma. In intrahepatic cysts the complications can also be related to compression of adjacent viscera, infection of the cyst's contents or perforation of the cyst. Spontaneous fistulization of a biliary cyst into hollow abdominal organsis a rare complication. We report an exceptionalcase in whom an intrahepatic biliary cyst spontaneouslyfistulized into hepatic flexure of the colon. Patient presented to our hospital with 02 months history of abdominal pain, weight loss, and 02 weeks of jaundice. Thecommunication with colon was diagnosed by CT scan before surgery. But, surgical intervention was required for the complete diagnosis. Postoperatively, patientrecovery was uneventful.