Background/Aim. Spasticity is the consequence of several clinical conditions including cerebral palsy, brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, aneurysm bleeding, and some other neurological disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of intrathecal baclofen (ITB) treatment in medically intractable severely disabling spasticity and present the challenges encountered during pump implantation surgery on these patients. Methods. The patients who underwent intrathecal baclofen pump implantation surgery between the years 2012 and 2015 with minimum follow-up of six months were recruited from the clinic archives. Twenty two patients with severe spasticity who had Modified Asworth Spasticity Scale (MASS) score of 3 or 4 were enrolled in our series. Eight of twenty-two patients were at pediatric age and they all were non-ambulant before surgery. Results. All of the patients underwent programmable intrathecal baclofen pump implantation surgery. Catheters were placed via percutaneous technique into to the subarachnoid space in 18 patients while, we had to perform partial hemi-laminectomy in order to place the catheters in 4 patients. All the patients improved significantly and 5 began using upper extremities and 3 adults became ambulant following physical therapy. Mean of the MASS scores improved from 3.59 to 1.32 (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The ITB therapy obviously increased quality of life and functional outcome in patients with disabling spasticity. As a result, physical treatment was more useful for these patients. Although some spinal abnormalities due to spasticity may necessitate partial hemilaminectomy to implant the pump, patients with intractable spasticity should be given the chance of intrathecal baclofen treatment at the earliest period of their lifetime disability.
ApstraktUvod/Cilj. Spasticitet je posledica nekoliko kliničkih stanja kao što su cerebralna paraliza, povrede mozga, povrede kičmene moždine, multipla skleroza, ruptura neurizme sa krvarenjem, kao i neki drugi neurološki poremećaji. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi efikasnost primene intratekalnog baklofena (ITB) u lečenju upornog teškog onesposobljavajućeg spasticiteta, kao i izazovi sa kojima se susrećemo tokom hirurške ugradnje pumpe kod ovih bolesnika. Metode. Iz kliničkih protokola u periodu 2012-2015. godina izdvojili smo bolesnike kojima je ugrađena baklofenska pumpa intratekalno uz minimlno praćenje od šest meseci. Dvadeset dva bolesnika sa teškim spasticitetom koji su imali modifikovani Asworth skor spasticiteta (MASS) između 3 i 4 bili su uključena u studiju. Osam od 22 bolesnika bila su u dečjem uzrastu i svi su bili nepokretni pre hirurškog zahvata. Rezultati. Svi bolesnici bili su podvrgnuti hirurškoj implantaicji programabilne intratekalne baklofenske pumpe. Kateteri su postavljeni perkutano u subarahnoidni prostor kod 18 bolesnika, dok smo parcijalnu hemilaminektomiju primenili za ugradnju katetera kod četiri bolesnika. Kod svih bolesnika javilo se značajno poboljšanje, 5 bolesnika počelo je da korist...