clinical presenTaTion of differenTiaTed Thyroid cancer Majority of thyroid cancer patients present with a solitary thyroid nodule which is detected most of the time incidentally. The thyroid nodule can be associated with lymph nodes in the neck. Rarely, it may present as hoarseness of voice or symptoms of distant metastasis at presentation. 1 The first investigation is the ultrasound (USG) of neck which can characterize the solitary nodule as cystic, solid or indeterminate. In addition, the vascularity of the nodule can also be assessed with ultrasonography or scintigraphy. USG is capable of detecting other non-palpable nodules which will also help to ascertain the probability of a benign or malignant outcome. 2-7 iniTial TreaTmenT of differenTiaTed Thyroid cancer Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) are the tumors arising from the cells lining the thyroid follicles which includes papillary (PTC), follicular (FTC) and Hurthle cell carcinoma (HTC). It generally excludes the tumors arising from para follicular cells. DTC are the commonest type of thyroid malignancy. In recent years, the incidence of these tumors seems to be rising. 8 While surgical resection has remained the gold-standard for their initial treatment, controversies still exist regarding the extent of surgery because of indolent nature of majority of these tumors. 9-16 The study of various prognostic factors has enabled the endocrine surgeons to develop a risk stratification system in order to arrive at