From advancement of mechanistic view of human body to shifting paradigm of evaluation in medicine, world has changed a lot in last two decades in terms of visualizing a person as One Whole Being. Recently many studies have evolved with a question of spirituality benefits on health. Articles largely concentrated on reduction of physical as well as mental symptoms through association with religious practices. On the other hand, some argue on its association considering error in research designs and bias in studies which have linked positive correlation between religion and health. This review article has considered both accounts of objections as well as neutral studies along with recent developments, which is basically integration of spirituality into medical curriculum. Why it is now gaining attention? Why in need of most of the distressed patients? How religion affects coping and perception of a person and help in crisis? Current approach is critically analyzed for further studies to establish ambiguity in many areas and discussed benefits as how health system can be improved through incorporation of spiritual aspect into health assessment.
Health of mind and bodyAncient Greek period focused body and mind using two approaches (1) the materialist; stating matter, or brain (2) the personalist; central in the person is the core called the soul, self, or ego states i.e., thought and emotion.In most cultures of the world, both in ancient and in modern times care for the soul and body were integrated aspect of any culture. Those who were assigned to the care of people in the culture attended to both their physical and spiritual needs; there were no dichotomy between the needs of the body and the needs of the spirit. In many ancient cultures, the shaman was a religious figure as well as healer also in Christianity; Jesus was a healer of body and spirit. In last few decades, this separation has developed that resulted in religiosity that is solely dedicated for spiritual concerns, while physicians and scientists, to the physical one [1,2].Rene Descartes, a seventeenth-century philosopher who believed in mechanical laws and gave little or no concern to meaning. His ideologies are dealing with rupture of body and spirit, the healing picture which came to surface contained detached body and soul [3].Due to rapid succession of discoveries in last couple of decades and progression of neuro-anatomy, neurophysiology and micro-biology, the brain and behavior discussions got a new vision; vision of machine, science and objectivity. By the time, old belief of spiritual highness and intellectual well-being were overshadowed by molecular sciences [Freud et al., 1895].The authors of the Persuasion and healing holds that effort should be made to steer between doubt and the acceptance. Too much "skepticism" dependent upon standardized scientific methods can miss real phenomena, while too enthusiastic "willingness" to accept every subjective finding may lead to false results. Remen, who has developed Commonweal Retreats for peo...