Background and Purpose-We undertook this study to evaluate the feasibility of inducing and maintaining moderate hypothermia with the use of endovascular rather than surface cooling. Methods-Six patients with severe acute ischemic stroke were treated with moderate hypothermia. This was induced and maintained by circulating temperature-adjusted normal saline in a closed-loop system entailing 3 balloons located near the tip of a central line, which dwelled in the inferior vena cava. Results-The meanϮSD initial temperature of the patients was 37Ϯ1°C (range, 35.5°C to 38.4°C). The pace of cooling was 1.4Ϯ0.6°C/h , and target temperature was reached after 3Ϯ1 hours (range, 2 to 4.5 hours). During hypothermia, the maximal temperature observed was 33.4°C, and the minimal temperature was 32.2°C. Temperature deviations Ͼ0.2°C or Ͼ0.3°C were observed during 21% or 10% of the hours under hypothermia, respectively. Singultus was the only device-related complication encountered. Pulmonary infection, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia, and thrombocytopenia were the most common side effects. Key Words: stroke, acute Ⅲ stroke management T he neuroprotective properties of moderate hypothermia in acute ischemic stroke were demonstrated in several experimental models. The pathophysiological mechanisms involved include stabilization of the blood-brain barrier, 1-3 downregulation of cerebral metabolism, 4 and decrease of excitatory amino acids. 5,6 Additionally, preliminary clinical findings suggested that moderate hypothermia may influence mortality in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction. 7,8 Currently, hypothermia is being induced by surface cooling with the use of cooling blankets, alcohol applied to exposed skin, or ice bags to groin, axilla, and neck. This approach, however, requires intensive effort from the medical and nursing staff for induction as well as maintenance of the target temperature.
Conclusions-InductionRecently, an alternative approach based on intravenous cooling was proposed. A custom-built central line is advanced in the inferior vena cava. Normal saline is circulated through 3 balloons located near the tip of this line in a closed-loop system. Temperature regulation is achieved by adjusting the temperature of the circulating saline by a temperature-managing device.We undertook this study to evaluate the potential of intravenous cooling for induction as well as maintenance of moderate hypothermia (33°C).
Subjects and MethodsA total of 6 patients (5 men and 1 woman aged 64.5Ϯ8.4 years) with an ischemic infarction involving at least two thirds of the territory of the left (nϭ5) or right (nϭ1) middle cerebral artery were treated with moderate hypothermia according to our institutional protocol. All patients were sedated with midazolam at the time of the study; fentanyl was used for analgesia and atracurium for neuromuscular blockade. Alpha-stat was used for acid-base management. Patients lay in the 30°head-up position and were ventilated with a volumecontrolled, pressure-regulated...