This paper presents UnSpoof, an ultrawideband (UWB) localization system that can detect and localize distance-spoofing tags with a few collaborative passively-receiving anchors. We propose novel formulations that enable passively-receiving anchors to deduce their time-of-flight (ToF) and time-difference-of-arrival (TDoA) just by overhearing standard two-way ranging (TWR) messages between the tag and one active anchor. Our ToF formulation can be used to precisely localize an honest tag, and to detect a distance-spoofing tag that falsely reports its timestamps. Additionally, our TDoA formulation enables spoofing deterrent localization, which can be used to track down and apprehend a malicious tag. Our experimental evaluation shows 30 cm 75 th percentile error for ToF-based honest tag localization, and sub-meter error for TDoA-based localization for spoofing tags. We demonstrate successful detection of distance reduction and enlargement attacks inside the anchors' convex hull, and graceful degradation outside. Additionally, we show the effects of a non-regular geometry of anchors and invite researchers and practitioners to experiment with anchor topologies of interest to them via our open source modeling software.