Deoxyadenosine kinase (dAK) forms a heterodimer with either deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) or deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), and is heterotropically activated 3-5 times by dGuo or dCyd. Expressed alone, dAK is inactive and exhibits no response to dGuo or dCyd; activity and heterotropic response are fully restored upon reassociation with dGK or dCK. However, turnover of independently expressed dGK or dCK is nearly maximal, being further activated only 50 -100% upon reassociation with dAK. In neither case is the heterotropic activation due to ligand-induced heterodimer formation.A proline/alanine substitution within a dAK segment homologous to loop G2 of Ras proteins yielded a heterodimer with dAK permanently cis-activated 2-fold, with a corresponding reduction in heterotropic activation by dGuo. A chimeric dAK, with 25% of its C terminus substituted by the homologous sequence from dGK, was inactive alone, and its characteristics were unchanged in the reconstituted heterodimer. Superimposing the Pro/Ala substitution on this chimera also reduced heterotropic activation by half. Cross-linking the dimer by 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was inhibited by ATP, dATP, dGTP, and dAdo, suggesting the proximity of the active site(s) to the interface. These data suggest that dAK depends on dGK or dCK in a manner resembling the reliance of Ras upon GTPase activating protein.Subunit interaction is the basis for a wide spectrum of regulatory mechanisms controlling and coordinating chemical events in vivo (1, 2), and the stereochemical nature of these allosteric interactions in several protein systems has been elucidated in great detail over the past 60 years (3). Lactobacillus acidophilus R-26, lacking the ribonucleotide reductase of the deoxynucleotide de novo pathway, possesses all four deoxynucleoside kinases by which it generates building blocks of DNA through salvage pathways (4). While thymidine kinase is readily separated from the other three kinase activities (4), dAdo kinase (dAK) 1 exists as a heterodimer with either dGuo kinase (dGK) or dCyd kinase (dCK) subunit (5-8). The turnover at the dAK active site of either heterodimer is only oneseventh to one-tenth of that of dGK or dCK, but is heterotropically activated 3-5-fold to its full activity potential by dGuo or dCyd, respectively, in contrast with the minimal effect (20%, at most) of dAdo on dGK or dCK, which are almost fully active (7, 9). Therefore, the combined output of these two heterotropically-regulated dimers provides the nearly equal quantities of dAMP, dCMP, and dGMP needed for DNA precursor synthesis (7). While dGK and dCK are kinetically and structurally parallel in a relaxed conformation 2 (6, 7, 10), dAK is in a constrained conformational state which is relaxed only through subunit-subunit interaction in the presence of heterotropic activators. The constrained state of dAK has been inferred from experiments involving chemical modification (5), limited proteolysis, activation by chaotropic salts, and affinity labeling (10). The largely unidirectional hetero...