We have isolated six novel galectin cDNAs from a Xenopus laevis kidney cDNA library. The newly identified X. laevis galectins (xgalectins) comprise one proto type (xgalectin-Vb), one chimera type (xgalectin-VIIa), and four tandem repeat types (xgalectin-IIb, -IIIb, -VIa, and -VIIIa). Thus, together with those mentioned in our previous work (Shoji, H., Nishi, N., Hirashima, M., and Nakamura, T. (2002) Glycobiology 12, 163-172), the 12 xgalectins are classified into three types based on their domain structures, as in mammals. The xgalectins whose counterparts in other species have not been identified (xgalectin-IVa, -Vb, and -VIa) were confirmed to possess lactose-binding activity by expression of their recombinant forms. This shows that they truly function as animal lectins. The protein purification study revealed that the major xgalectins in kidney are xgalectinIb, -IIa, -IIb, -IIIa, and -VIIa. The mRNAs of xgalectin-IIb, -IIIb, -Vb, and -VIa were localized to specific adult tissues, whereas those of xgalectin-VIIa and -VIIIa were broadly distributed. The temporal expression patterns of the mRNAs of the 12 xgalectins during embryogenesis were analyzed and categorized into three groups: 1) mRNA observed to exist throughout embryogenesis, i.e. maternal mRNA also exists (xgalectin-Ia, -IIa, -IIIa, -IIIb, -Va, -VIIa, and -VIIIa); 2) mRNA observed from the gastrula stage (xgalectin-VIa); and 3) mRNA observed from the tail bud or the tadpole stage (xgalectin-Ib, -IIb, -IVa, and -Vb). The mRNA of the most abundant xgalectin in embryos, xgalectin-VIIa, was localized to the surface layer of embryos, the epidermis, the cement gland, and various placodes. Xgalectin-VIIa protein was also observed to exist throughout embryogenesis by Western blot analysis with specific antiserum. These results show that the expression of each member is spatiotemporally regulated from eggs to adulthood, suggesting that galectins play multiple roles not only in adults, but also in development.Galectins comprise a family of animal lectins that bind to -galactoside-containing carbohydrate moieties of glycoconjugates (1, 2). Fourteen galectins have been isolated from mammals and are classified into the proto, chimera, and tandem repeat types based on their structures (3-8). Proto-type galectins contain one carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD), 1 a structurally conserved domain that specifically recognizes a -galactoside-containing carbohydrate; and chimera-type galectins consist of one CRD and an N-terminal elongating protein domain. Mammalian galectin-1 (proto type) and -3 (chimera type) are the most extensively studied galectins (9). They have been proposed to play roles in tissue organization, development, immunity, and cancer growth and metastasis by regulating such processes as cell adhesion and apoptosis. Tandem repeat-type galectins contain two CRDs covalently linked through a unique link peptide. Tandem repeat-type galectins are less well understood, but they have been shown to be expressed in a tissue-specific manner in adult animals ...