Detailed restriction analyses of many samples often require substantial amounts of time and effort for DNA extraction, restriction digests, Southern blotting, and hybridization. We describe a novel ap h t uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Several limiting features of conventional restriction analyses using Southern blot hybridization for routine identification and systematics are a requirement for relatively clean DNA samples as well as substantial time and resources necessary for preparing DNA hybridization membranes and probes. Sensitivity of Southern blots is also sometimes affected by poor signal/noise ratios caused by poor hybridization of heterologous probes or high background signals on blotting membranes. To circumvent some of these potential problems, we have used an approach that allows direct analysis of a desired target sequence without the necessity of blotting or hybridization. Our approach utilizes the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to enzymatically amplify target sequences in vitro by a factor of over 108, starting from minute amounts of genomic DNA template (19,21). The level of sensitivity, specificity, and adaptability of the PCR has resulted in many applications, including efficient cloning, rapid direct sequencing, and highly sensitive detection (2,12,19,22). The basic PCR protocol involves the use of two oligonucleotide primers (which flank a target DNA sequence) to initiate DNA synthesis on opposing strands of a target sequence, using a heat-stable DNA polymerase. Repeated cycles (20 to 30) of denaturation, primer annealing, and DNA synthesis result in a theoretical doubling of target sequence during each cycle. Automation of the PCR by using a thermal cycler device allows simultaneous amplification of DNA from many samples, which can then be used directly for analysis.In this study, we examined DNA sequence variation in the rDNA of several Cryptococcus spp. by analysis of enzymatically amplified rDNA fragments. The various rRNAs and their respective DNA coding regions are known for their value as evolutionary markers, since they contain regions of both high and low sequence variability (5