Current ambient UV-B levels can significantly depress productivity in aquatic habitats, largely because UV-B inhibits several steps of photosynthesis, including the photooxidation of water catalyzed by photosystem II. We show that upon UV-B exposure the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 rapidly changes the expression of a family of three psbA genes encoding photosystem II D1 proteins. In wild-type cells the psbAI gene is expressed constitutively, but strong accumulations of psbAII and psbAIII transcripts are In oxygenic photobionts, photosystem II (PSII) is an integral membrane complex that catalyzes the photooxidation of water, with concomitant release of oxygen. Electrons extracted from water are passed to plastoquinone and enter the photosynthetic electron transport chain. The core of the PSII complex is composed of a dimer of two related proteins, D1 and D2, that bind the pigments and cofactors involved in this electron transfer from water to plastoquinone. During active photosynthesis the D1 protein, and to a lesser extent D2, turn over rapidly and are replaced by newly synthesized polypeptides in a PSII repair cycle. Under environmental stress, the repair cycle can be impaired, such that degradation and loss of D1 protein exceeds the rate of replacement (1). This net loss of functional D1 leads to a drop in PSII function and can contribute to photoinhibition, a light-dependent drop in the quantum yield of photosynthesis. Photoinhibition usually occurs when excitation capture exceeds the rate of electron removal from the PSII complex, as can occur when the light intensity exceeds the acclimated irradiance or when the temperature drops below the acclimated level.