Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) fuse the inner and outer nuclear membranes and mediate nucleocytoplasmic exchange. They are made of 30 different nucleoporins that form an intricate cylindrical architecture around an aqueous central channel. This architecture is highly dynamic in space and time. Variations in NPC diameter were reported, but the physiological circumstances and the molecular details remain unknown. Here we combined cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging with integrative structural modeling to capture a molecular movie of the respective large-scale conformational changes in cellulo. While actively transporting NPCs adopt a dilated conformation, they strongly constrict upon cellular energy depletion. Fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching experiments show that NPC constriction is concomitant with reduced diffusion and active transport across the nuclear envelope. Our data point to a model where the energy status of cells is linked to the conformation of NPC architecture.