The United States has the most punitive criminal justice system on Earth. The total corrections population in the United States is more than 6,613,000 people, 1 consisting of approximately 3,673,100 offenders under probation, 2 874,800 on parole 3 and 2,162,400 undergoing incarceration in prisons and jails. 4 Incredibly, this means about one in thirty-eight adults in the United States is undergoing correctional supervision. 5 Focusing solely on parole and probation, it emerges that more offenders are undergoing these sanctions than "live in half of all U.S. states." 6 "Approximately [one] in [fifty-five] adults in the United States were under community supervision [i.e., parole or probation] at year-end 2016." 7 This is a staggering statistic. It is made all the more remarkable because no meaningful community dividend has been