Abnormal thrombosis plays an important role in development of ischemic heart disease and stroke. Synthetic thrombolytic agents are effective but possess some adverse effects. Therefore, the need for development of comparatively safer anti-thrombotic drugs from natural resources such as plants arises. Capparis decidua Edgew. (Family – Capparaceae) is a densely branched, xerophytic shrub and grows abundantly in arid and semiarid regions. Its fruits are major ingredient of the popular ‘Panchkuta’ vegetable of Rajasthan and also used to prepare pickle. Caper fruits are recommended for treatment of several diseases in traditional medicine including cardiac ailments and shown antioxidant and hypolipidemic potential in scientific studies and therefore, fruits of C. decidua were evaluated for their in vitro thrombolytic potential for the first time. Preliminary qualitative phytochemical screening of fruits of C. decidua; purchased from local market of Udaipur has shown the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, phenol, phlobatanin, amino acids and carbohydrates and absence of saponin, tannins, steroids and cardiac glycosides. A significant percent clot lysis activity of 23.16±1.26 and 32.39±2.10 was exhibited by methanolic extracts (ME-I and ME-II) of fruits of C. decidua respectively as compared to the positive control streptokinase and negative control as distilled water. However, characterization of bioactive anti-thrombotic molecules as well as large scale, clinical studies is warranted to establish in vivo thrombolytic efficacy of its fruits. Thrombolytic potential of Caper berries as observed in the present study could be useful to recommend its consumption as a dietary health supplement in order to prevent from thrombotic cardiovascular diseases.