Two important criteria of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are low power consumption and delay. These criteria can be met by designing efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. In this paper, two TDMA-based MAC protocols are proposed. The first protocol, TM-MAC makes use of only a main radio. The second proposed protocol, TWM-MAC makes use of a WUR alongside the main radio. The two proposed protocols are compared with different categories of standard MAC protocols and it is shown that they outperform the standard ones by improving the power consumption and delay. The TWM-MAC consumes 55% less power consumption than the Scheduled Channel Polling MAC (SCP-MAC) protocol for a high traffic scenario on the high-rate platform while the TM-MAC consumes 85% less power consumption than the SCP-MAC. For a low traffic scenario, the TWM-MAC performs 53.5% better than the SCP-MAC protocol and 77.5% better than the Very Low Power MAC (VLPM) protocol on the high and low-rate platforms respectively. An improvement in delay was observed with the TWM-MAC protocol for high traffic situations. The TWM-MAC protocol surpasses the VLPM protocol by 81.1% in terms of latency for a high traffic scenario and 3.2% for a low traffic scenario.