Numerous papers by Moore, Colgate, and Vonnegut have questioned the effectiveness of polarization charging in the generation of breakdown electric fields in thunderclouds, specifically directing their criticisms toward the recent numerical models of Ziv and Levin and Scott and Levin. This reply seeks to answer the points they raised and pinpoint the deficiencies in the models. Model results closely follow the available experimental data. The most significant model results are the following: (1) Larger electric fields are produced with a decrease in the effectiveness of the polarization charging mechanism. (2) Lightning can be produced before significant radar echos appear; the maximum radar returns then follow the lightning. These results stem from the extremely nonlinear interactions between precipitation formation and polarization charging. The mechanism is sufficiently effective that despite the hindering influences mentioned by Moore, Colgate, and Vonnegut, large electric fields are produced.
INTRODUCTIONOf late a number of critical papers [Vonnegut, 1975; Moore, 1975a, b, c; Colgate, 1975] have appeared in the literature relating to polarization charging, the theoretical model of Levin and Ziv, [1974], and the more elaborate stochastic model of Scott and Levin [1974, 1975b] and Levin et al. [1974]. The authors of these papers view thunderstorm electrification from another viewpoint, i.e., the convective mechanism as classically presented in the s•andard references [e.g., Mason, 1971]. This reply attempts to answer all the points brought up, with Specific emphasis on the two preceding papers.At the outset we would like to emphasize that the models as presented are well-defined both mathematically and physically and that, provided one accepts their inherently limited validity, they can be used to estimate the microphysical effects of electrical charging. It is important that we recognize that the models contain no vertical dimension and no cloud dynamics. These are rather severe restraints, but the problem is a particularly intractable one.The first paper [Vonnegut, 1975] was answered by Levin and Ziv [1975]. In essence, Vonnegut questioned the assumption that the raindrops continually collide with a fresh stream of uncharged waterdrops. This deficiency has since been removed and does not apply to the stochastic model of Scott and Levin [1974, 1975b]. Hence no more reference need be made to this matter except to note that the deficiency did not affect the general nature of the numerical results.Since then Moore [1975a, b] has written two papers that essentially state the following: (1) Recombination of charged particles was omitted in the models. (2) Partial coalescence events only occur during collisions near the equator of the larger drop. Such collisions cannot generate charge. These papers have now been followed by the two preceding papers by Colgate and Moore.In replying to this criticism, particularly that in the two preceding papers, we shall deal with three major topics: the recombination problem, the ...