I t was reported earlier that each of five derlllatophytes had a similar pattern of watersoluble polysaccharides, specifically, two galactoinanilans and a glucan (I). The previous paper in this series described the properties and gross structural features of one group of the galactornannans (called galactomannan I) (2).The present paper describes the separation of the three groups of polysaccllarides and reports the properties and gross structural features of the second group of galactomailnans (called galactomannan 11) from Trichopkyton granuloszlm Sabouraud, 1909, Trichophyton interdigitale Priestley, 1917 Guiart and Grigorakis, 1928, I'rickophyton r z~b r u m (Castellani) Sabouraud, 1911, and Trichoplzyton schonleinii (Lebert) Langeron and h~Iilochevitch, 1930. Crude polysaccharides were extracted from powdered cells of the organisills in yields of 5-10% as described previously for T . granulosz~m (3). The procedure \vas designed to yield pol>-saccharide preparations which were free of lipid and protein.T h e airn of this continuing program is to relate structures to serological properties in the polysaccharides from dermatophytes. The presence of any contatniilating lipid or protein, bound or free, could interfere in the serological tests and cause difficulties in interpreting the results of structural studies. The crude polysaccharides \\-ere resolved into t~o galacton~ailnails and a glucan by the procedure shown in Reaction Scheme 1. Addition of Fehling solution to aqueous solutions of the crude polysaccharides precipitated galactomannans I as insoluble copper coinplexes (2). The polysaccharides ~vhich were soluble in Fehling solution were recovered and lIssiled as N.R.C. No. 9108.