With the aim of proposing an alternative model to animal experimentation, we investigated cytokine production in response to antigens in an in vitro system. This is a co-culture system of healthy human leukocytes and enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. The antigens tested, EgA31, EgTrp, and FABP1, are candidates for vaccines in infections caused by Echinococcus spp. in the gut. All three have previously been described in the protoscolex stage and belong to protein families which confer protective immunity against several helminths. In this study, we evaluate the Th1/Th2 profile (Th1: IL-12, IFN-gamma; Th2: IL-6, IL-10) in response to protoscoleces, EgA31 and the mixture of EgA31, EgTrp and FABP1. No cytokine production was detected in response to protoscoleces. Neither IFN-gamma nor IL-6, but a significant IL-10 and IL-12 concentration was detected in response to both types of antigens. These findings suggest that EgA31 and the mixture EgA31/EgTrp/FABP1 generated an immunogenic response associated with a mixed Th1/Th2 cytokine.