Incorpora on of advanced info-communica on technologies into vehicular environment currently captures a large a en on by numerous inves gators, telecommunica ons operators, traffi c safety regulatory ins tu ons, car industry manufacturers and other interested par cipants. In this paper, we overview of some prospec ve wireless communica on technologies, such as the DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communica ons) and advanced LTE (Long Term Evolu on) mobile communica on systems, which are considered as two promising candidates to support future traffi c safety applica ons in vehicular environment is presented. The communica on requirements of some ac ve traffi c safety applica ons are pointed. A summary of various types of communica ons for intelligent VCS (Vehicular Communica on System) applica ons is given. Some future direc ons and challenging issues for implemen ng traffi c safety applica ons are also discussed. Our goal is to demonstrate the growing impact and importance of modern communica on technologies in achieving future traffi c accident-free roads.Keywords: Traffi c safety applica ons, vehicular communica on system (VCS), dedicated short range communica ons (DSRC), LTE (Long Term Evolu on) mobile cellular network, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communica on.