Abstract. Spectral decomposition provides a canonical representation of an operator over a vector space in terms of its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The canonical form often facilitates discussions which, otherwise, would be complicated and involved. Spectral decomposition is of fundamental importance in many applications. The well-known GLR theory generalizes the classical result of eigendecomposition to matrix polynomials of higher degrees, but its development is based on complex numbers. This paper modifies the GLR theory for the special application to real symmetric quadratic matrix polynomials, Q(λ) = Mλ 2 + Cλ + K, M nonsingular, subject to the specific restriction that all matrices in the representation be real-valued. It is shown that the existence of the real spectral decomposition can be characterized through the notion of real standard pair which, in turn, can be constructed from the spectral data. Applications to a variety of challenging inverse problems are discussed.