It is well-known that earthquakes produce pressure variations in the adjacent neutral atmosphere. These neutral atmospheric perturbations propagate upward, interact with the ionosphere and redistribute the plasma density through ion-neutral collisions, generating Co-seismic Ionospheric Disturbances (CIDs). This plasma variation generates an electromagnetic wave, which interacts with the magnetospheric field. This interaction causes a change in the field's eigenfrequency. Reckoning of the point of intersection of this line is over the radial projection of the source (Piersanti et al., 2020). The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) sounding of these ionospheric disturbances, which bear the signature for various coupled processes, has wedged the scientific community's attention since the mid-90 s. Out of the diverse natural and anthropogenic phenomena that influence the earth's ionosphere, earthquakes top the list. Beginning from the first observation of CID for the 28 March 1964 Alaskan earthquake near Boulder, Colorado (Davies & Baker, 1965), for the past half a century, it has been found that large and great earthquakes can excite the ionosphere. Based on the observations for the 16 May 1968 Hachinohe Japan earthquake, Yuen et al. (1969) suggested quick attenuation of earthquake-generated short period oscillations with height than the longer period oscillations, consistent with the theoretically obtained pressure