In microbial "quorum sensing" (QS) communication systems, microbes produce and respond to a signaling molecule, enabling a cooperative response at high cell densities. Many species of bacteria show fast, intraspecific, evolutionary divergence of their QS pathway specificity-signaling molecules activate cognate receptors in the same strain but fail to activate, and sometimes inhibit, those of other strains. Despite many molecular studies, it has remained unclear how a signaling molecule and receptor can coevolve, what maintains diversity, and what drives the evolution of cross-inhibition. Here I use mathematical analysis to show that when QS controls the production of extracellular enzymes -"public goods"-diversification can readily evolve. Coevolution is positively selected by cycles of alternating "cheating" receptor mutations and "cheating immunity" signaling mutations. The maintenance of diversity and the evolution of cross-inhibition between strains are facilitated by facultative cheating between the competing strains. My results suggest a role for complex social strategies in the longterm evolution of QS systems. More generally, my model of QS divergence suggests a form of kin recognition where different kin types coexist in unstructured populations.ooperative behavior in bacteria is guided in many cases by quorum sensing (QS) signaling where a response is produced only once a secreted signal's level is sufficient to activate its cognate receptor (1). Multiple bacterial species show intraspecific divergence of their QS systems, where signals from one strain can activate their own receptor but fail to activate and sometimes inhibit a receptor from a different strain (2-7). This divergence seems to be under strong selection, as implied by the functional divergence and is also corroborated by rapid sequence divergence (8-9), the signatures of diversifying selection (10-11), and the spread of divergent QS systems through horizontal gene transfer (3, 12). These observations provoke two related questions: How does this divergence evolve in the first place, and what are the selective advantages that maintain it? Moreover, in some of the systems, a signaling molecule from one strain inhibits a diverged receptor from receiving its own signal (2, 7, 12). It is unclear whether the same evolutionary forces that drive divergence can drive the evolution of cross-inhibition.The cross-inhibition between diverging strains in some of these species and the ecological coexistence of divergent strains in others (13) imply a possible intraspecific social role for this divergence. Therefore, to understand QS diversification, one has to consider it in a social context. It has been shown in numerous species that QS controls the production of secreted substances (e.g., exoproteases, surfactants, and antibiotics; see SI Text, section 1 for further discussion). From a social perspective these can be characterized as "public goods"-costly actions to the individual that benefit the whole population (SI Text, section 1). As such, QS was ...