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AbstractIn the European Emissions Trading System, power generators hold CO 2 allowances to hedge for future power sales. First, we model their aggregate hedging demand in response to changes in expectations of future fuel, carbon and power prices from forward prices. This partial equilibrium analysis is then integrated into a two period model of the supply and demand of CO 2 allowances considering also emissions impact and banking of allowances by speculative investors. We find that hedging flexibility can balance a CO 2 allowance surplus in the range of 1.1 to 1.6 billion t CO 2 at discount rates of future CO 2 allowances between 0 to 10%. If the surplus exceeds this level, then the rate at which today's carbon prices discount expected future prices increases. This points to the value of reducing the surplus, estimated to be 2.6 billion t CO 2 allowances in 2015, by about 1.3 billion t CO 2 , thus ensuring that hedging makes a significant contribution to stabilise carbon prices.