The high degree of applicability of various software in high performance athlete training, allows for a more detailed analysis of any technical aspects. It also underlines any deviations, thus improving execution through the addition of specific restructured means.
Any trainer whom owns a current generation smart-phone or tablet may download an application known as Coach's Eye for a modest sum. Keeping in mind one must be able with one's fingers, the software may be employed in order to underline various flaws in technique that may appear throughout a certain event. These errors may be addressed at a later time by applying more or less conventional means.
This paper contains a sequential technique analysis, accomplished with the Coach's Eye software, for one of the most highly rated javelin throwers of Romania. The athelete's level of performance (78.90m), requires specialized technique assistance which in turn means repeated video footage analysis. To this end several videos were created of events that occurred in the 2012 competitive period. With the help of the Coach's Eye software, various video frames of technical importance were acquired, of the moments prior and after release. The resulting biomechanical analysis of the athelete's movements covered the period prior to and after technical corrections were made during consecutive competitive years.
The conclusion we reached was that in spite of existing software limitations, the use of various applications equates to a step forward concerning proper technique assimilation as early as the event specialization period. At the same time the use of such software is an important approach regarding high performance athlete training. While in the learning and consolidation period, observing and analysing video footage of various executed exercises allows us to track errors more efficiently and stop them before becoming an automatic feature for the athlete through careful application of corrective exercises.