In a series of 70 patients who had surgical correotion of coarctation of the aorta between 1952 and 1969, the operative mortality was 7% and the complication rate was 14%. The mortality was particularly high in adult males over 30, with pre-operative evidence of left ventricular ischaemia. Simple surgical procedures had satisfactory results, but the use of prostheses carried a high risk, and turning down the left subclavian artery failed to lower the blood pressure. The blood pressure score fell by 68% after operation, and by a further 8% following discharge from hospital. This result was maintained up to 17 years after operation, and may be expected in all groups of patients.Coarctation of 'the aorta has been surgically treated with success since 1945 (Crafoord and Nylin, 1945; Gross and Hufnagel, 1945). As varying techniques and results are reported from different centres it was considered timely to review the experience at this centre with 70 patients, spanning 17 years. The results have been analysed with regard to the rate of post-operative mortality and complications, the effect of specific operative procedures and the lowering of systolic blood pressure immediately following, and up to 17 years after surgery. CLINICAL
MATERIALThese 70 patients include males and females of all age groups (Fig.