Previous theoretical results in the Evolutionary Computation literature only permit analyses of evolutionary dynamics in the immediate term -i.e. over a single generation -or in the asymptote of time. There are currently no theoretical results that permit a principled analysis of any non-trivial aspect of evolutionary dynamics in the short term, i.e. over a small number of generations. In the absence of such analyses we believe that accurate theories of evolutionary adaptation will continue to evade discovery. We describe a technique called coarsegraining which has been widely used in other scientific disciplines to study the emergent phenomena of complex systems. This technique is a promising approach towards the formulation of more principled theories of evolutionary adaptation because, if successfully applied, it permits a principled analysis of evolutionary dynamics across multiple generations. We develop a simple yet powerful abstract framework for studying the dynamics of an infinite population evolutionary algorithm (IPEA). Using this framework we show that the short term dynamics of an IPEA can be coarse-grained if it satisfies certain abstract conditions. We then use this result to argue that the dynamics of an infinite population genetic algorithm with uniform crossover and fitness proportional selection can be coarse-grained for at least a small number of generations, provided that the initial population belongs to a particular class of distributions (which includes the uniform distribution), and the fitness function satisfies a relatively weak constraint.