Hollow structures of transition-metal oxides,particularly mixed-metal oxides,c ould be promising for various applications such as lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Compared to the synthesis of metal oxide hollows pheres by the template method, non-spherical metal oxide hollowh exagonal polyhedra have not been developed to date.H erein, we report the controlled hydrothermal synthesis of an ew phase of Co 3 V 2 O 8 ·n H 2 Oh ollowh exagonal prismatic pencils (HHPPs), which is composed of uniform structural units.B y varying the amount of NaOH in the presence of NH 4 + and without any template or organic surfactant, the hexagonal prismatic pencils gradually transform from solid into hollow structures,with sizes varying from 5to20mm. The structure of pencils can be preserved only in al imited range of the molar ratio of OH À /NH 4 + .A sanew anode material for LIBs,s uch hollowp encils exhibit impressive lithium storage properties with high capacity,g ood cycling stability,a nd superior rate capability.Hollow micro-/nanostructures have attracted considerable attention because of their structure-dependent properties and widespread applications in many areas,i ncluding catalysis, drug delivery,b iomedicine,a nd energy storage and conversion. [1][2][3][4] As ar esult, the controllable preparation of hollow materials with ac omplex composition and delicate morphological control has become increasingly fascinating and vital for both fundamental studies and practical applications.A variety of synthetic protocols have been developed to prepare various hollow structures with different morphologies and desired micro-and nanostructures based on different principles,i ncluding the Kirkendall effect, galvanic replacement, ionic exchange,c hemical etching, and templating and Ostwald ripening.[5-10] To date,m ost complex hollow structures have been synthesized through templating strategies using different colloidal templates,a nd the geometry of these products obtained in practice is mostly spherical. For example,X ua nd Wang prepared multishelled Cu 2 Oh ollow spheres by am ultilamellar micelle templating route.[7] Lai et al. designed ag eneral route for the synthesis of several oxide multi-shelled hollow microspheres using carbonaceous microspheres as templates,w hich manifest improved gassensing properties.[9] Zeng and Xiong reported the synthesis of multishelled Cu 2 Shollow spheres by aserial ion-exchange method.[10] Nevertheless,t here have been no reports to date on the formation of non-spherical hollow structures with complex geometry solely by in situ selective inhibition of growth in certain planes.Mixed-valence metal oxides with different metal cations have demonstrated high electrochemical activities due to their interfacial effects and the synergic effects of the multiple metal species. [11][12][13] Nevertheless,i nc ontrast to the active research on the synthesis of mixed transition-metal oxides (TMOs;d onated as A x B 3-x O 4 ;A ,B= Co,N i, Zn, Mn, Fe) [11] as important mixed-metal oxides,m etal vanadates appe...