“…The technique has many attractive features including (1) ease of operation, (2) continuous measurement, and (3) noninterference with btood flow in the microcircutation, since the technique involves illuminating the tissue with monochromatic light. These attributes of LDF have led several research groups to utilize the tech-nique in the assessment of tissue perfusion in various vascular beds, including skin (Johnson,19X4), the gas-troint~stina~ system (Shepherd and Redel, 19821, skeletal muscle (Tyml et al, 1990), kidney (Roman and Smits, 1985), brain (Haberl et al, 19891, bone (Hellem et al, 1983), nose CDruce et al, 1984), eye (Riva et al, 19901, and cochlea (Miller and Nuttall, 1990).…”