Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is a surgical technique to treat motor symptoms in patients withParkinson's disease (PD). Studies have shown that STN-DBS may cause a decline in verbal fluency performance. We aimed to verify the effects of STN-DBS on the performance of phonemic verbal fluency in Brazilian PD patients. Sixteen participants were evaluated on the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale -Part III and for phonemic fluency ("FAS" version) in the conditions of on-and off-stimulation. We identified two different patterns of phonemic verbal fluency outcomes. The results indicate that there may be no expected pattern of effect of bilateral STN-DBS in the phonemic fluency, and patients may present with different outcomes for some reason not well understood.Keywords: Parkinson disease; deep brain stimulation; language; cognition.
RESUMOA estimulação cerebral profunda do núcleo subtalâmico (ECP-NST) é uma técnica cirúrgica para tratar sintomas motores na doença de Parkinson (DP). Estudos têm mostrado que ECP-NST pode causar um declínio no desempenho de fluência verbal. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os efeitos da ECP-NST sobre o desempenho da fluência verbal fonêmica em indivíduos brasileiros com DP. Dezesseis participantes foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho motor (UPDRS-III) e à fluência verbal fonêmica (versão "FAS") nas condições de estimulação ligada e desligada. Identificamos dois padrões diferentes de resultados de fluência verbal fonêmica. Os resultados indicam que pode não haver um padrão esperado de efeito de ECP-NST bilateral na fluência fonêmica, e os pacientes podem apresentar desfechos diferentes de acordo com alguma razão não bem compreendida.Palavras-chave: doença de Parkinson; estimulação encefálica profunda; linguagem; cognição.
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS)is a procedure used to treat patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) when pharmacological treatment is no longer efficient 1 . It has been proven that DBS suppresses motor symptoms and reduces the total dose of the antiparkinsonian drugs 2,3 . Among the adverse effects of STN-DBS in patients with PD, the postoperative decline in verbal fluency is well documented 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 . However, there are fewer studies about the effect of the stimulation per se, comparing on-and off-stimulation conditions 12,13,14 . Longitudinal studies verified a worsening of verbal fluency in the first months after surgery, but an improvement in the later studied months 9 . These authors suggest that this effect of the DBS on the verbal fluency may be due to the micro-lesions caused by the implantation procedure of the electrodes in the STN.The verbal fluency test evaluates the capacity to search and retrieve data stored in long-term memory within a certain category and demonstrates the capacities of