Objective: A 4.5-year follow-up study was conducted to characterize baseline verbal episodic memory (VEM) and its behavior and to assess the effects of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) on this domain. Methods: Twenty-nine patients with RRMS underwent two neuropsychological assessments performed an average of 4.5 years apart. Twenty-six control participants underwent a single neuropsychological assessment. A significance level of p < 0.005 was adopted to denote a significant difference between the groups on the Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon paired statistical analyses. Results: No statistical difference was found in the results of the VEM tests between the first and second neuropsychological assessments of the patients. However, a statistical difference was evident between the patient and control groups in the results of the VEM tests. Conclusion: The patient group showed changes in the VEM relative to the control group. After approximately 4.5 years of disease, the patient performance on the VEM stabilized or improved.Keywords: multiple sclerosis; cognition; longitudinal studies.
RESUMOObjetivo: Neste estudo, propomos a caracterização da Memória Episódica Verbal (MEV) basal e o seu comportamento após o período de 4,5 anos de doença, a fim de avaliar o efeito da EMRR neste domínio. Métodos: Vinte e nove pacientes com EMRR foram submetidos a duas avaliações neuropsicológicas realizadas entre um intervalo de tempo médio de 4,5 anos. Vinte e seis controles foram submetidos à avaliação neuropsicológica única. Considerou-se nível de significância p <0,005 para delinear diferença significante entre os grupos nas análises estatísticas Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon pareado. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatística nos resultados dos testes de MEV entre a primeira e segunda avaliação neuropsicológica realizada pelos pacientes. Houve discrepância estatística nos resultados dos testes de MEV entre o grupo dos pacientes e controles. Conclusão: O grupo de pacientes apresentou alterações de MEV quando comparado aos controles. Após 4,5 anos aproximadamente os pacientes estabilizaram ou melhoraram seu desempenho em MEV.Palavras chave: esclerose múltipla; cognição; estudos longitudinais.Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) clinically present with a myriad of neurologic symptoms, including cognitive decline, regarded as having the greatest impact on key aspects of their daily living, such as managing domestic tasks, participating in society and holding down a job 1 . According to reviews of the scientific literature, one third of MS patients with the relapsing-remitting (RRMS) clinical form show cognitive impairments that are often milder than that found in the progressive subtypes of the disease 2,3 . Cognitive impairments can vary, but an impact on episodic memory is evident in the early stages of the disease. A 10-year longitudinal study revealed that decline in information processing speed and verbal episodic memory (VEM) in early RRMS patients predicted progression to the secondary progressive MS clinical form....