Linear arrays of damped multistable systems in a constant driving field F are considered in the continuum limit. The existence of a universal localized relaxation mode ("inertia mode") of the driven kinks is explicitly proven. This mode, of frequency OJ = -ir)/m 9 collapses in the undamped (77 -0) free (F-+0) chain into the Goldstone mode of the corresponding "free kink," and in a chain without inertia (m -*0) it relaxes instantaneously.PACS numbers: 63.20.Pw Linear arrays of uniformly 1 " 10 or periodically 11 " 15 driven and linearly damped multistable systems (mainly modeled by the sine-Gordon or > 4 potential) have attracted in recent years increased attention. As a result of the interplay and competition between nonlinearity, damping, and driving force, fascinating effects can occur. 1 " 15 My aim in the present paper is to describe a new interesting phenomenon of this kind, which consists of the occurrence of a universal, localized, smooth relaxation mode of the uniformly driven kinks (domain walls) in linearly damped and tightly coupled multistable lattice-dynamical and similar systems. As mentioned in the Abstract, the existence of this universal relaxation mode is intrinsically connected to the inertia of the damped multistable chain. On this ground, it will be referred to hereafter in this paper as the "inertia mode" of the driven kinks.Let us consider therefore a linear chain of particles subjected to a constant external force F and described by the classical HamiltonianHere m is the particle mass, <$> { (t) represents the displacement of the i th particle at the time t from the site x { of a reference lattice, 0 f =B(p./dt 9 k is the strength of the harmonic coupling between neighboring particles, and V( { ) is a general "multistable" on-site potential. We assume that the chain deformation changes gradually from one lattice site to the next (tightly coupled particles), so that the continuum theory applies. We also assume that each particle is subjected to a damping force proportional to its velocity. In this way we obtain the following equation of motion for the displacement field n° correspond to degenerate minima 16 of the potential V(