The diverse community of phytoplankton and the heterotrophic ecosystem that it supplies affects the depth and efficacy of ocean primary production, as well as the cycling of carbon and other elements. Most of the world's ocean is depleted of nutrients (oligotrophic) in the sunlit (euphotic) layer where nutrients are taken up by phytoplankton, but nutrient concentration increases with depth below the euphotic layer. In such regions, the production of phytoplankton relies on the physical transport of nutrient-enriched water from depth to the euphotic zone where light enables photosynthesis (McGillicuddy et al., 1998). Over long spatial and temporal scales, the system is balanced such that the rate of export of organic matter is determined by the rate of nutrient input that contributes to photosynthetic carbon fixation (Ducklow et al., 2001;Falkowski et al., 1998).The upward transport of nutrient-rich water occurs via a range of mechanisms, including surface boundary layer turbulence, wind-driven upwelling, coastal upwelling, eddy uplift, and frontal instabilities (Denman & Gargett, 1983;Lipschultz et al., 2002). In the pelagic ocean, the physical supply of nutrients induced by vertical advection associated with fronts and eddies (Jenkins & Goldman, 1985) is thought to limit the rate of new production, which is the rate of phytoplankton production fueled by a fresh supply of macronutrients from outside the euphotic layer. Vertical velocities are typically 10 −3 -10 −4 times smaller than the horizontal velocities associated with ocean currents and eddies on scales of 1-100 km. But, submesoscale dynamics, associated with strong vertical vorticity (of the order of the planetary vorticity f) can result in vertical velocities of 𝐴𝐴 (100) m/day on spatial scales 𝐴𝐴 (1 km). These rapid vertical motions are thought to be particularly influential for phytoplankton growth (Mahadevan, 2016).Besides physical processes, the gradient in the mean nutrient distribution and the anomalies in concentration from the mean distribution also affect nutrient transport. Physical transport, as well as biological and chemical processes that create sinks (or sources) for nutrients, affect nutrient distribution. The spatial heterogeneity of