Quantum computers are expected to outperform conventional computers for a range of important problems, from molecular simulation to search algorithms, once they can be scaled up to large numbers of quantum bits (qubits), typically millions [1][2][3]. For most solid-state qubit technologies, e.g. those using superconducting circuits or semiconductor spins, scaling poses a significant challenge as every additional qubit increases the heat generated, while the cooling power of dilution refrigerators is severely limited at their operating temperature below 100 mK [4][5][6]. Here we demonstrate operation of a scalable silicon quantum processor unit cell, comprising two qubits confined to quantum dots (QDs) at ∼1.5 Kelvin. We achieve this by isolating the QDs from the electron reservoir, initialising and reading the qubits solely via tunnelling of electrons between the two QDs [7-9]. We coherently control the qubits using electrically-driven spin resonance (EDSR) [10,11] in isotopically enriched silicon 28 Si [12], attaining single-qubit gate fidelities of 98.6% and coherence time T * 2 = 2 µs during 'hot' operation, comparable to those of spin qubits in natural silicon at millikelvin temperatures [13][14][15][16]. Furthermore, we show that the unit cell can be operated at magnetic fields as low as 0.1 T, corresponding to a qubit control frequency of 3.5 GHz, where the qubit energy is well below the thermal energy. The unit cell constitutes the core building block of a full-scale silicon quantum computer, and satisfies layout constraints required by error correction architectures [8,17]. Our work indicates that a spin-based quantum computer could be operated at elevated temperatures in a simple pumped 4 He system, offering orders of magnitude higher cooling power than dilution refrigerators, potentially enabling classical control electronics to be integrated with the qubit array [18,19].Electrostatically gated QDs in Si/SiGe or Si/SiO 2 heterostructures are prime candidates for spin-based quantum computing due to their long coherence times, high control fidelities, and industrial manufacturability [13,14,[20][21][22][23]. In large scale quantum processors the qubits will be arranged in either 1D chains [17] or 2D arrays [3] to enable quantum error correction schemes. For architectures relying on exchange coupling for twoqubit operation [15,16,24,25], the QDs are expected to be densely packed. Until now, two-qubit QD systems have been tunnel-coupled to a nearby charge reservoir that has typically been used for initialisation and readout using spin-to-charge conversion [26]. Here we demonstrate an isolated double QD system that requires no tunnel-coupled reservoir [7-9] to perform full two-qubit initialisation, control and readout -thus realising the elementary unit cell of a scalable quantum processor (see Figure 1h).