DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.99.116401
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Coherent Structural Dynamics and Electronic Correlations during an Ultrafast Insulator-to-Metal Phase Transition inVO2

Abstract: We directly trace the multi-THz conductivity of VO2 during an insulator-metal transition triggered by a 12-fs light pulse. The femtosecond dynamics of lattice and electronic degrees of freedom are spectrally discriminated. A coherent wave packet motion of V-V dimers at 6 THz modulates the lattice polarizability for approximately 1 ps. In contrast, the electronic conductivity settles to a constant value already after one V-V oscillation cycle. Based on our findings, we propose a qualitative model for the nonthe… Show more

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Cited by 403 publications
(378 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…When we apply a constant electric field E, the wave vector evolves, in the Bloch picture, according to k ¼ kð0Þ − eEt=ℏ (in a temporal gauge with a vector potential taking care of the field). Nonadiabatic transitions from the lower to the upper band can thus occur, in accord with the nonadiabatic Landau-Zener quantum tunneling (Landau, 1932;Zener, 1932), when the field exceeds a scale set by the gap. The situation is totally different for the breakdown in correlated electron systems, where the relevant gap is a many-body (Mott) gap.…”
Section: B Physical Backgroundmentioning
confidence: 78%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…When we apply a constant electric field E, the wave vector evolves, in the Bloch picture, according to k ¼ kð0Þ − eEt=ℏ (in a temporal gauge with a vector potential taking care of the field). Nonadiabatic transitions from the lower to the upper band can thus occur, in accord with the nonadiabatic Landau-Zener quantum tunneling (Landau, 1932;Zener, 1932), when the field exceeds a scale set by the gap. The situation is totally different for the breakdown in correlated electron systems, where the relevant gap is a many-body (Mott) gap.…”
Section: B Physical Backgroundmentioning
confidence: 78%
“…correlated Mott and charge-transfer insulators (Ogasawara et al, 2000;Iwai et al, 2003;Perfetti et al, 2006;Kübler et al, 2007;Okamoto et al, , 2008, the pump-induced melting and recovery of charge density waves (Schmitt et al, 2008;Hellmann et al, 2010;Petersen et al, 2011) with studies combining structural and electronic dynamics (Eichberger et al, 2010), and ultrafast dynamics induced in ferromagnets (Beaurepaire et al, 1996) or antiferromagnets (Ehrke et al, 2011), to name only a few.…”
Section: B Physical Backgroundmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The increased symmetry reduces the number of Raman active phonon modes from 18 in the M 1 phase to 4 in the R-phase, without any significant mode softening near the transition temperature 18 . The same structural transition has been induced on the ultrafast timescale by exciting M 1 -phase VO 2 at room temperature with an intense 800 nm pump laser, using a pump fluence greater than F th~7 mJ cm − 2 , and observed by femtosecond X-ray 6,19 and electron diffraction 7 , as well as through changes in the optical 20,21 and electrical 22,23 properties. These experiments show that the complete transformation to the R-phase, after some initial fast dynamics, is a slow process, taking hundreds of picoseconds to complete.…”
confidence: 71%
“…[12][13][14][15] Much previous effort has been focused on understanding the physics behind the MIT, especially the role electron-electron correlation and electron-lattice coupling play in driving the simultaneous structural and electronic phase transition. [14,[16][17][18][19][20] Whether the insulating M 1…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%