The inelastic energy-loss distribution Q has been measured for single large-angle collisions between argon atoms and incident projectile ions with atomic numbers Z& ranging from 13 to 25. The data are obtained by measuring the energy and scattering angle of the scattered incident particle. This method provides well-resolved Q spectra, being almost undisturbed by thermal target motion. In all cases studied, the Q value exhibits a sudden change and a triple-peaked structure in a narrow range of distance of closest approach ro. The location of the three peaks Q&, Q», and Qz«varies with ro, but their energy separations remain independent of ro. For the heteronuclear collisions reported here, the values of the Q-peak separations suggest that Q» and Q&&& correspond to the production of one and two I-2 & vacancies, respectively, in one of the colliding particles, viz. , the one with the lower atomic number. This is further supported by studies of Auger electrons emitted in the collisions.