In close encounters of the systems Ne-Ne, Ne + -Ne, and Ne ++ -Ne, electrons of 750-eV energy are produced. The numbers of such fast electrons are found to depend upon the charge state of the incident particle (0,+l, or +2) in the ratio of 0.6, 1.0, and 2.0, respectively. This agrees in part with a prediction by Lichten. In Kr + -Kr collisions, there is a sudden change in the average number of electrons lost for 9° scattering at 25-keV incident energy.Previous studies have shown that 200-keV Ne + ions incident upon neon gas cause ejection of 750-eV electrons . l > 2 Coincidence measurements 3 at the same energy showed that there are two distinct values of the average inelastic energy loss Q, one at 710 eV and the other at 1550 eV, for the reaction Ne + + Ne^Ne 5+ +Ne 3+ + 7e (1) with the scattering angle 6 set at 8°. These two results suggested 3 that a K-shell vacancy can be created by such collisions. Lichten 4 drew energy-level diagrams for the Ne-Ne system and made a qualitative explanation in terms of a K-shell promotion mechanism. He predicted that the number of fast electrons should be dependent upon the charge of the incident neon, in the ratio of 0, 1, and 2 for Ne, Ne + , and Ne ++ , respectively.Our experiment is performed to check Lichten's prediction. Here Ne, Ne + , and Ne ++ of 200-keV energy are sent through neon gas. Previously described apparatus and procedures 5 are used to make a (noncoincident) energy analysis of the resulting fast electrons and later to determine (with coincidence methods) the Q values at 10° scattering. Figure 1(a) shows the electron energy distributions, normalized to the same incident-particle flux per unit target gas density, for the three different cases. The data are taken with electrons scattered at 95° to the incident direction, this angle chosen to prevent scattered neons from reaching the detector and to limit Doppler broadening (see Ref.