The concept that reptiles regulate their body temperature by behavioural means, such as shuttling between sun and shade (Cowles and Bogert, 1944;Hertz et al., 1993), has become widely accepted in vertebrate thermal physiology. Behavioural adjustments enable many diurnal species of reptile to maintain high and stable body temperatures in the face of fluctuations in environmental temperatures (Avery, 1982;Seebacher et al., 1999). The importance of body temperature regulation is seen to lie in maximising the rates of temperature-sensitive physiological functions (Huey, 1982). The rates of chemical reactions, including those catalysed by enzymes, are dependent on the energetic state of the compounds involved, which in turn is strongly influenced by temperature. The rates of most physiological processes are, therefore, a direct function of the temperature of the organism. Thermoregulation that includes high metabolic heat production combined with effective insulation often allows endotherms to maintain an elevated body temperature within a narrow range (Lovegrove et al., 1991). The low metabolic rates of reptiles make metabolic heat production negligible, and regulation of body temperature is achieved by behavioural means such as microhabitat selection (Cowles Reptiles living in heterogeneous thermal environments are often thought to show behavioural thermoregulation or to become inactive when environmental conditions prevent the achievement of preferred body temperatures. By contrast, thermally homogeneous environments preclude behavioural thermoregulation, and ectotherms inhabiting these environments (particularly fish in which branchial respiration requires body temperature to follow water temperature) modify their biochemical capacities in response to long-term seasonal temperature fluctuations. Reptiles may also be active at seasonally varying body temperatures and could, therefore, gain selective advantages from regulating biochemical capacities. Hence, we tested the hypothesis that a reptile (the American alligator Alligator mississippiensis) that experiences pronounced seasonal fluctuations in body temperature will show seasonal acclimatisation in the activity of its metabolic enzymes. We measured body temperatures of alligators in the wild in winter and summer (N=7 alligators in each season), and we collected muscle samples from wild alligators (N=31 in each season) for analysis of metabolic enzyme activity (lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase). There were significant differences in mean daily body temperatures between winter (15.66±0.43°C; mean ± S.E.M.) and summer (29.34±0.21°C), and daily body temperatures fluctuated significantly more in winter compared with summer. Alligators compensated for lower winter temperatures by increasing enzyme activities, and the activities of cytochrome c oxidase and lactate dehydrogenase were significantly greater in winter compared with summer at all assay temperatures. The activity of citrate synthase was significantly greater in the winter s...