15Chromatin regulation ensures stable repression of stress-inducible genes under non-stress 16 conditions and transcriptional activation and memory of such an activation of those genes 17 when plants are exposed to stress. However, there is only limited knowledge on how 18 chromatin genes are regulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level upon stress 19 exposure and relief from stress. We have therefore set-up a RT-qPCR-based platform for 20 high-throughput transcriptional profiling of a large set of chromatin genes. We find that the 21 expression of a large fraction of these genes is regulated by cold. In addition, we reveal an 22 induction of several DNA and histone demethylase genes and certain histone variants after 23 plants have been shifted back to ambient temperature (deacclimation), suggesting a role in the 24 memory of cold acclimation. We also re-analyse large scale transcriptomic datasets for 25 transcriptional regulation and alternative splicing (AS) of chromatin genes, uncovering an 26 unexpected level of regulation of these genes, particularly at the splicing level. This includes 27 several vernalization regulating genes whose AS results in cold-regulated protein diversity. 28Overall, we provide a profiling platform for the analysis of chromatin regulatory genes and 29integrative analyses of their regulation, suggesting a dynamic regulation of key chromatin 30 genes in response to low temperature stress. 31 32Running title: Chromatin regulator expression after cold 33 34