Fibroblasts degrade type I collagen, the major extracellular protein found in mammals, during events ranging from bulk tissue resorption to invasion through the three-dimensional extracellular matrix. Current evidence suggests that type I collagenolysis is mediated by secreted as well as membrane-anchored members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) gene family. However, the roles played by these multiple and possibly redundant, degradative systems during fibroblast-mediated matrix remodeling is undefined. Herein, we use fibroblasts isolated from Mmp13 In the postnatal state, fibroblasts are normally embedded in a self-generated three-dimensional connective tissue matrix composed largely of type I collagen, the major extracellular protein found in mammals (1-3). Type I collagen not only acts as a structural scaffolding for the associated mesenchymal cell populations but also regulates gene expression and cell function through its interactions with collagen binding integrins and discoidin receptors (2, 4). Consistent with the central role that type I collagen plays in defining the structure and function of the extracellular matrix, the triple-helical molecule is resistant to almost all forms of proteolytic attack and can display a decades-long half-life in vivo (4 -6). Nonetheless, fibroblasts actively remodel type I collagen during wound healing, inflammation, or neoplastic states (2, 7-13).
Mmp14To date type I collagenolytic activity is largely confined to a small subset of fewer than 10 proteases belonging to either the cysteine proteinase or matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 gene families (4, 14 -18). As all collagenases are synthesized as inactive zymogens, complex proteolytic cascades involving serine, cysteine, metallo, and aspartyl proteinases have also been linked to collagen turnover by virtue of their ability to mediate the processing of the pro-collagenases to their active forms (13,15,19). After activation, each collagenase can then cleave native collagen within its triple-helical domain, thus precipitating the unwinding or "melting" of the resulting collagen fragments at physiologic temperatures (4, 15). In turn, the denatured products (termed gelatin) are susceptible to further proteolysis by a broader class of "gelatinases" (4, 15). Collagen fragments are then either internalized after binding to specific receptors on the cell surface or degraded to smaller peptides with potent biological activity (20 -24).Previous studies by our group as well as others have identified MMPs as the primary effectors of fibroblast-mediated collagenolysis (20,25,26). Interestingly, adult mouse fibroblasts express at least six MMPs that can potentially degrade type I collagen, raising the possibility of multiple compensatory networks that are designed to preserve collagenolytic activity (25). Four of these collagenases belong to the family of secreted MMPs, i.e. MMP-13, MMP-8, MMP-2, and MMP-9, whereas the other two enzymes are members of the membrane-type MMP subgroup, i.e. MMP-14 (MT1-MMP) and MMP-16 (MT3-MMP) (13,(...