We consider the critical behaviour of the continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk with contact self-attraction on Z 4 , for sufficiently small attraction. We prove that the susceptibility and correlation length of order p (for any p > 0) have logarithmic corrections to mean field scaling, and that the critical two-point function is asymptotic to a multiple of |x| −2 . This shows that small contact self-attraction results in the same critical behaviour as no contact self-attraction; a collapse transition is predicted for larger self-attraction. The proof uses a supersymmetric representation of the two-point function, and is based on a rigorous renormalisation group method that has been used to prove the same results for the weakly self-avoiding walk, without self-attraction.
The model and main resultThe self-avoiding walk is a basic model for a linear polymer chain in a good solution. The repulsive self-avoidance constraint models the excluded volume effect of the polymer. In a poor solution, the polymer tends to avoid contact with the solution by instead making contact with itself. This is modelled by a self-attraction favouring nearest-neighbour contacts. The self-avoiding walk is already a notoriously difficult problem, and the combination of these two competing tendencies creates additional difficulties and an interesting phase diagram.In this paper, we consider a continuous-time version of the weakly self-avoiding walk with nearest-neighbour contact self-attraction on Z 4 . When both the self-avoidance and self-attraction are sufficiently weak, we prove that the susceptibility and finite-order correlation length have logarithmic corrections to mean field scaling with exponents 1 4 and 1 8 for the logarithm, respectively, and that the critical two-point function is asymptotic to a multiple of |x| −2 as |x| → ∞.