We provide an introductory account of a tricritical phase diagram, in the setting of a mean-field random walk model of a polymer density transition, and clarify the nature of the density transition in this context. We consider a continuous-time random walk model on the complete graph, in the limit as the number of vertices N in the graph grows to infinity. The walk has a repulsive self-interaction, as well as a competing attractive self-interaction whose strength is controlled by a parameter g. A chemical potential ν controls the walk length. We determine the phase diagram in the (g, ν) plane, as a model of a density transition for a single linear polymer chain. A dilute phase (walk of bounded length) is separated from a dense phase (walk of length of order N) by a phase boundary curve. The phase boundary is divided into two parts, corresponding to first-order and second-order phase transitions, with the division occurring at a tricritical point. The proof uses a supersymmetric representation for the random walk model, followed by a single block-spin renormalisation group step to reduce the problem to a 1-dimensional integral, followed by application of the Laplace method for an integral with a large parameter. ∞ n=0 c n z n for the number of n-step self-avoiding walks started from the origin-can be used to model a polymer chain in the dilute phase. The susceptibility is undefined when |z| exceeds the reciprocal of MSC2010: primary 82B27, 82B41; secondary 60K35.